Embrace The Void

"Oh no, Not again" - Bowl of Petunias

Warhammer 40k and Gamergate with Danny Fortuna

My guest this week is Danny Fortuna, a Warhammer 40k lore master and founder of the Facebook group Warhammer Heresyposting. Danny founded the group as a space for anti-woke 40k fans after he was banned from several other groups over debates around female space marines and other identity politics issues. We discuss whether 40k is satire, whether female space marines are compatible with 40k lore, whether the lore should change if they're not, and the argument around "go woke, go broke". Enjoy!

Music by GW Rodriguez

Danny's video on Wokeness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O302cRs3Wfc

Philsophers in Space episode on 40k and gamergate: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/helsreach-and-grimdark-gamergate

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Next Episode: Camp Omni with Megan Pike

Conspiratorial Thinking and Just World Belief with MRX Dentith

My returning guest is M.R.X Dentith, a philosophy professor at BNUZH’s Center for international philosophy, with a focus on conspiracy theories, secrecy, and fake news. They’re also cohost of the podcaster’s guide to the conspiracy and recently published a spicy article called “I know it when I see it”- Motivating examples in the social psychology of conspiracy theory theory. They frequently provide nuanced criticism of the research on these issues in ways I find very compelling, so I’m excited to have them back.

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances:

Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk about Antisemitic Conspiracism: https://www.dissonancepod.com/episode-675-talking-antisemitism-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

Aaron and Callie from Philosophers in Space and Queersplaining were recently on The Psychology Podcast to discuss all things trans. Check it out and share it around, we really did try to cover allllll the bases: https://scottbarrykaufman.com/podcast/aaron-rabinowitz-callie-wright-what-we-get-wrong-about-transgender-people/

Next Episode: Warhammer 40k and Gamergate with Danny Fortuna

AI in Medicine with Bryce Eakin

My guest this week is Bryce Eakin, an AI engineer currently working in the area medical ethics. We discuss the potential risks and benefits of AI in various parts of the medical process and where this technology is likely headed in the next few years.

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances:

Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk about Antisemitic Conspiracism: https://www.dissonancepod.com/episode-675-talking-antisemitism-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

Aaron and Callie from Philosophers in Space and Queersplaining were recently on The Psychology Podcast to discuss all things trans. Check it out and share it around, we really did try to cover allllll the bases: https://scottbarrykaufman.com/podcast/aaron-rabinowitz-callie-wright-what-we-get-wrong-about-transgender-people/

Next Episode: TBA

Embracing the Manosphere with Debbie Ging

My guest this week is Dr. Debbie Ging, Professor of Digital Media and Gender in the School of Communications at Dublin City University. Dr. Ging teaches and researches on gender, sexuality and digital media, with a focus on digital hate, online anti-feminist men's rights politics, incel subculture and the radicalisation of boys and men into male supremacist ideologies. We cover all of ETV's greatest hits in front of our first ever live audience!

Debbie's website: https://www.dcu.ie/communications/people/debbie-ging

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances:

Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk about Antisemitic Conspiracism: https://www.dissonancepod.com/episode-675-talking-antisemitism-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

Aaron and Callie from Philosophers in Space and Queersplaining were recently on The Psychology Podcast to discuss all things trans. Check it out and share it around, we really did try to cover allllll the bases: https://scottbarrykaufman.com/podcast/aaron-rabinowitz-callie-wright-what-we-get-wrong-about-transgender-people/

Next Episode: AI medicine with Bryce Eakin

Professional Surrogacy with Barbie Dangond

My guest this week is Barbie , co-founder of Lift Life Travel and a professional gestational surrogate. We discuss her motivation for helping women experience travel and many parts of the ethics surrounding surrogacy.

Convocation: Nietzsche

Lift Life Travel: https://www.liftlifetravel.com/?fbclid=IwAR3SjFa7P0x1V-sLMNiVSmjapGMNQFWyrQh-V7WqZU3WR73xps3hsgrfH4A

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances:

Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk about Antisemitic Conspiracism: https://www.dissonancepod.com/episode-675-talking-antisemitism-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

Aaron and Callie from Philosophers in Space and Queersplaining were recently on The Psychology Podcast to discuss all things trans. Check it out and share it around, we really did try to cover allllll the bases: https://scottbarrykaufman.com/podcast/aaron-rabinowitz-callie-wright-what-we-get-wrong-about-transgender-people/

Next Episode: The Manosphere with Dr. Debbie Ging

Triangle Freethought Society with Matthew Krevat

My guest this week is Matthew Krevat, a secular and skeptical organizer with Triangle Freethought Society. We discuss his experiences with local organizing and trying to balance the interests of skeptics and atheists within a single group.

Convocation: Schomburg

Triangle Freethought Website: https://www.trianglefreethought.org/

Matt's podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@TalkingAboutTheBigStuff

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances:

Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk about Antisemitic Conspiracism: https://www.dissonancepod.com/episode-675-talking-antisemitism-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

Aaron and Callie from Philosophers in Space and Queersplaining were recently on The Psychology Podcast to discuss all things trans. Check it out and share it around, we really did try to cover allllll the bases: https://scottbarrykaufman.com/podcast/aaron-rabinowitz-callie-wright-what-we-get-wrong-about-transgender-people/

Next Episode: The Ethics of Surrogacy with Barbie Dangond

Possible Worlds and Other Stories with Rachel Handley

My guest this week is Rachel Handley, a teaching fellow in philosophy at Trinity college Dublin, and author of a recent collection of sci-fi short stories entitled Possible Worlds and Other Stories. The book is a fun exercise in multiverse building that scratches that meta-itch a lot of us have, but it also has some lovely touching human moments. We discuss why possible worlds are having a moment, the gendered history of possible worlds, and a few of Rachel's possible worlds that I enjoyed so much.

Convocation: None

Rachel’s Website: https://rachelhandleyphilosophy.weebly.com/

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances:

Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk about Antisemitic Conspiracism: https://www.dissonancepod.com/episode-675-talking-antisemitism-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

Aaron and Callie from Philosophers in Space and Queersplaining were recently on The Psychology Podcast to discuss all things trans. Check it out and share it around, we really did try to cover allllll the bases: https://scottbarrykaufman.com/podcast/aaron-rabinowitz-callie-wright-what-we-get-wrong-about-transgender-people/

Next Episode: TBA

Heavy Metal Philosophy with David Burke

My guest this week is David Burke, a PhD student at Bathe’s Spa University, with a focus on studying the philosophy of heavy metal. He has written on the Neitzchien elements of heavy metal and argues that metal should be taken seriously as a philosophical art form.

Convocation: None

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances:

Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk about Antisemitic Conspiracism: https://www.dissonancepod.com/episode-675-talking-antisemitism-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

Aaron and Callie from Philosophers in Space and Queersplaining were recently on The Psychology Podcast to discuss all things trans. Check it out and share it around, we really did try to cover allllll the bases: https://scottbarrykaufman.com/podcast/aaron-rabinowitz-callie-wright-what-we-get-wrong-about-transgender-people/

Next Episode: Possible Worlds and Other Stories with Rachel Handley

Grassroots Secular Organizing with Devon Graham

My guest this week is Devon Graham, one of the Assistant state directors for American Atheists in Florida. We discuss the challenges of secular organizing in deeply red territories and conflicts within movement secularism over the relationship between secular values and social justice.

Convocation: None

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances:

Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk about Antisemitic Conspiracism: https://www.dissonancepod.com/episode-675-talking-antisemitism-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

Aaron and Callie from Philosophers in Space and Queersplaining were recently on The Psychology Podcast to discuss all things trans. Check it out and share it around, we really did try to cover allllll the bases: https://scottbarrykaufman.com/podcast/aaron-rabinowitz-callie-wright-what-we-get-wrong-about-transgender-people/

Next Episode: Philosophy of Metal with David Burke

GPT-4 Wrap-up with Callie Wright

My guest this week is Callie Wright, host of the Queersplaining podcast and co-host of Philosophers in Space. They humor me while I try to exorcise my GPT demons and work through as many of the arguments about this technology as possible.

Convocation: Fjords Vol. 1 by Zachary Schomburg

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances:

Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk about Antisemitic Conspiracism: https://www.dissonancepod.com/episode-675-talking-antisemitism-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

Aaron and Callie from Philosophers in Space and Queersplaining were recently on The Psychology Podcast to discuss all things trans. Check it out and share it around, we really did try to cover allllll the bases: https://scottbarrykaufman.com/podcast/aaron-rabinowitz-callie-wright-what-we-get-wrong-about-transgender-people/

Next Episode: Grassroots Atheism with Devon Graham

The Language of Terrorism with Chris Kavanagh

My guest this week is Chris Kavanagh (@C_Kavanagh), junior co-host of the Decoding the Gurus podcast and second author on a range of topics related to human behavior. We discuss his recent publications and what they tell us about the risks of stochastic terrorism from different communities.

Decoding the Gurus: https://decoding-the-gurus.captivate.fm/

Convocation: Fjords Vol. 1 by Zachary Schomburg

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances:

Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk about Antisemitic Conspiracism: https://www.dissonancepod.com/episode-675-talking-antisemitism-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

Aaron and Callie from Philosophers in Space and Queersplaining were recently on The Psychology Podcast to discuss all things trans. Check it out and share it around, we really did try to cover allllll lthe bases: https://scottbarrykaufman.com/podcast/aaron-rabinowitz-callie-wright-what-we-get-wrong-about-transgender-people/

Next Episode: GPT-4 Roundup with Callie Wright

GPT-4 Alignment with Daniel Schauer

My guest this week is Daniel Schauer, a lifelong computer nerd who currently works at Takeda Pharmaceuticals in their writing department to submit materials to the FDA but is here representing himself as a computer nerd with a bunch of fiddling experience with GPT-4. We discuss what GPt-4 can do especially with regard to ethical reasoning.

Democratizing Music: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/democratizing-music/id1546799293

Convocation: Warhammer 40k

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances:

Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk about Antisemitic Conspiracism: https://www.dissonancepod.com/episode-675-talking-antisemitism-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

Aaron and Callie from Philosophers in Space and Queersplaining were recently on The Psychology Podcast to discuss all things trans. Check it out and share it around, we really did try to cover allllll lthe bases: https://scottbarrykaufman.com/podcast/aaron-rabinowitz-callie-wright-what-we-get-wrong-about-transgender-people/

Next Episode: GPT-4 alignment with Aaron Rabinowitz

GPT-4 with Matt Browne

My guest this week is Matt Browne (@ArthurCDent), professor of psychology at central Queensland, Australia, and senior co-host of the Decoding the Gurus podcast. We discuss how GPT-4 is a whole new thing compared to its predecessors, and the narratives aren't keeping up, including mine! I started playing with GPT-4 after this episode and honestly feel we downplayed it. More on that soon!

Decoding the Gurus: https://decoding-the-gurus.captivate.fm/

Convocation: GPT-4

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances:

Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk about Antisemitic Conspiracism: https://www.dissonancepod.com/episode-675-talking-antisemitism-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

Aaron and Callie from Philosophers in Space and Queersplaining were recently on The Psychology Podcast to discuss all things trans. Check it out and share it around, we really did try to cover allllll lthe bases: https://scottbarrykaufman.com/podcast/aaron-rabinowitz-callie-wright-what-we-get-wrong-about-transgender-people/

Next Episode: Possible Worlds and other Stories with Rachel Handley

Ancient Aliens with Fredrik Trusohamn

My guest this week is Fredrik Trusohamn (@DUAncientAliens) host of the Digging Up Ancient Aliens podcast, where he recently did a series on Graham Hancock’s Ancient Apocalypse materials on netflix. We discuss the overlaps in our research on Hancock and broader questions about the culture of racism and harmful conspiracism in the Ancient Aliens world.

Fredrik's website: https://diggingupancientaliens.com/

Convocation: Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Slaughterhouse-Five

My UK Skeptic Mag article on Hancock: https://www.skeptic.org.uk/2023/02/netflixs-ancient-apolocalypse-hosted-by-graham-hancock-from-alien-conspiracies-to-antisemitism/

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances:

Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk about Antisemitic Conspiracism: https://www.dissonancepod.com/episode-675-talking-antisemitism-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

Aaron and Callie from Philosophers in Space and Queersplaining were recently on The Psychology Podcast to discuss all things trans. Check it out and share it around, we really did try to cover allllll lthe bases: https://scottbarrykaufman.com/podcast/aaron-rabinowitz-callie-wright-what-we-get-wrong-about-transgender-people/

Next Episode: GPT4 with Matt Browne

Spiritual Emergence with Leah Prime

My guest this week is Leah Prime (@leahprime) host of The Invisible Night School, author at sub stack, and working on a project called We Own the Night: The Legacy of Art Bell and Coast to Coast AM. Leah does work in exotic states of conscious and Spiritual emergence and AI ethics in tech. We discuss High Weirdness/Strangeness, spiritual emergence, conspiracism, and the tightrope of skepticism.

Leah's site: https://bio.site/leahprime

Convocation: Webb (https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-1-4614-6086-2_770)

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances:

Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk about Antisemitic Conspiracism: https://www.dissonancepod.com/episode-675-talking-antisemitism-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

Aaron and Callie from Philosophers in Space and Queersplaining were recently on The Psychology Podcast to discuss all things trans. Check it out and share it around, we really did try to cover allllll lthe bases: https://scottbarrykaufman.com/podcast/aaron-rabinowitz-callie-wright-what-we-get-wrong-about-transgender-people/

Next Episode: Ancient Apocalypse with Fredrik Trusohamn

High Weirdness with Erik Davis

My guest this week is Erik Davis (@erik_davis), author of High Weirdness and many other worthwhile reads on counterculture topics. We discuss the history of High Weirdness and how it has shaped our modern world for better and for worse.

Erik Davis: https://techgnosis.com/


Convocation: Erik Davis

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances:

Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk about Antisemitic Conspiracism: https://www.dissonancepod.com/episode-675-talking-antisemitism-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

Aaron and Callie from Philosophers in Space and Queersplaining were recently on The Psychology Podcast to discuss all things trans. Check it out and share it around, we really did try to cover allllll lthe bases: https://scottbarrykaufman.com/podcast/aaron-rabinowitz-callie-wright-what-we-get-wrong-about-transgender-people/

Next Episode: Spiritual Emergence with Leah Prime

Conspiracism Leadership with Ben Dow

My guest this week is Ben Dow (@benjaminjdow), a professor of practice at Southern Methodist University with a focus in management studies. He recently sent me several papers he worked on with other folks about conspiracism and leadership, and we discuss what those papers suggest about the role of conspiracism in modern politics and other organizations.

Ben's website: https://www.smu.edu/cox/Our-People-and-Community/Faculty/Benjamin-Dow

Convocation: H.L. Mencken, A Mencken Chrestomathy

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances:

The only one that matters really: https://religionnews.com/2023/02/01/american-atheists-board-members-exit-dogged-by-misconduct-allegations/

Next Episode: High Weirdness with Erik Davis

Conceptually Engineering Luck with Matthew Cull

My guest this week is Matthew Cull (@MaattCuull), a philosopher postdoc at the University of Edinburgh, with an interest in social philosophy, particularly debates around the concept of conceptual engineering. We discuss the debate between classic approaches to defining terms and conceptual engineering. We also discuss whether my pedagogy of luck counts as conceptual engineering or not.

NOTE ON VIP CONTENT FOR THIS WEEK: Sadly, we had some issues with the bonus content and Matt and I decided to just cut it this week. Apologies. More next week!

Matt's Website: https://matthewcull.wixsite.com/philosophy

Convocation: Hilary Putnam

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances:

The only one that matters really: https://religionnews.com/2023/02/01/american-atheists-board-members-exit-dogged-by-misconduct-allegations/

Next Episode: The Causes of Conspiracism with Ben Dow

Antisemitic Conspiracism with Joshua Stein

My guest this week is Joshua Stein (@thephilosotroll), a postdoc in philosophy at Georgetown. His interests include social ontology, political philosophy, collective responsibility, and today’s topic, antisemitic conspiracism. We discuss Ye's recent public spiral and what it says about the future of right wing politics.

Joshua's Website:

Convocation: Sartre

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: Had several recent appearances you should check out!

QED Skepticamp talk! Decoding a (((moral panic))) conspiracy meme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAKGA8-Da1E

I was on The Podcaster's Guide to The Conspiracy talking about philosophy of conspiracism: https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-7ra6d-130e8e8?utm_campaign=au_share_ep&utm_medium=dlink&utm_source=au_share

I was on Dan Norton's YouTube show discussing free will and luck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dZx_VD54pg

Next Episode: Conceptual Engineering with Matt Cull

Defending the Public with Yassine Meskout

My guest this week is Yassine Meskhout (@ymeskhout), a Public defender and infrequent host of The Bailey podcast. Yassine argues for anarchy perspectives also writes on substack and for Jesse Singal’s newsletter on topics related to the criminal justice system as well as some culture war issues. His articles include “Eleven Magic Words” and “I am here because of dumb luck”.

Yassine's website: https://ymeskhout.substack.com/

Convocation: Ayn Rand

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: Had several recent appearances you should check out!

QED Skepticamp talk! Decoding a (((moral panic))) conspiracy meme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAKGA8-Da1E

I was on The Podcaster's Guide to The Conspiracy talking about philosophy of conspiracism: https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-7ra6d-130e8e8?utm_campaign=au_share_ep&utm_medium=dlink&utm_source=au_share

I was on Dan Norton's YouTube show discussing free will and luck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dZx_VD54pg

Next Episode: Antisemitic Conspiracism with Joshua Stein