Embrace The Void

"Oh no, Not again" - Bowl of Petunias

Stoic Social Justice with Jonathan Church

My guest this week is Jonathan Church (@jondavidchurch), a chartered financial analyst, government economist, and author. His recent books include Reinventing Racism: Why White Fragility is the wrong way to think about racial inequality, and Virtue in an age of identity politics: A stoic approach to social justice. From my perspective his works aim to provide substantive critiques of current approaches to marxism and social justice, or “Wokeness” my term not his, while also criticizing the way that anti-woke activists have overshot the mark..

Jonathan's Website: https://www.jonathandavidchurch.com/

Convocation: Aaron's void brain

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: Had several recent appearances you should check out!

QED Skepticamp talk! Decoding a (((moral panic))) conspiracy meme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAKGA8-Da1E

I was on The Podcaster's Guide to The Conspiracy talking about philosophy of conspiracism: https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-7ra6d-130e8e8?utm_campaign=au_share_ep&utm_medium=dlink&utm_source=au_share

I was on Dan Norton's YouTube show discussing free will and luck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dZx_VD54pg

Next Episode: TBD!

Feminism, Woke Religiosity, and Trans Rights with Helen Lewis

My guest this week is Helen Lewis (@helenlewis), a staff writer at the Atlantic and author of the book Difficult Women: A History of Feminism in 11 Fights. Helen has a project with the BBC coming out December 19th about internet gurus. We discuss her book, her article on wokeness as a religion, and debates around trans rights and gender self-ID.

Helen's Substack: https://helenlewis.substack.com/

Convocation: Difficult Women

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: Had several recent appearances you should check out!

QED Skepticamp talk! Decoding a (((moral panic))) conspiracy meme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAKGA8-Da1E

I was on The Podcaster's Guide to The Conspiracy talking about philosophy of conspiracism: https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-7ra6d-130e8e8?utm_campaign=au_share_ep&utm_medium=dlink&utm_source=au_share

I was on Dan Norton's YouTube show discussing free will and luck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dZx_VD54pg

Next Episode: Stoic Social Justice with Jonathan Church

EV - 257 Atheist Experiences with Matt Dillahunty

My guest this week is Matt Dillahunty (@Matt_Dillahunty), longtime activist for skepticism and atheism and former host of The Atheist Experience. Matt has engaged in public debates on contentious issues like religion and reproductive rights with contentious individuals like Ray Comfort and Jordan Peterson. We discuss his 16 year stint on the Atheist Experience and how the culture wars have impacted our community during that time.

Matt's Patreon Feed: https://www.patreon.com/AtheistDebates

Convocation: Andor

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: Had several recent appearances you should check out!

QED Skepticamp talk! Decoding a (((moral panic))) conspiracy meme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAKGA8-Da1E

I was on The Podcaster's Guide to The Conspiracy talking about philosophy of conspiracism: https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-7ra6d-130e8e8?utm_campaign=au_share_ep&utm_medium=dlink&utm_source=au_share

I was on Dan Norton's YouTube show discussing free will and luck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dZx_VD54pg

Next Episode: Difficult Women with Helen Lewis

EV - 256 Deep Reckonings with Stephanie Lepp

My returning guest this week is Stephanie Lepp (@stephlepp), a conceptual artist and the incoming executive director at the Institute for Cultural Evolution. We discuss her recent project, Deep Reckonings, a series of videos using deep fake technology to imagine what it would look like if famous individuals apologized for harms they've caused.

Note: We recorded this episode twice in an attempt to have a productive conversation worth listening to. While I believe this final version is worth listening to, we ultimately disagreed on one editing issue.

Deep Reckonings: https://www.deepreckonings.com/about.html

Convocation: Bell Hooks

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: Had several recent appearances you should check out!

I was on The Podcaster's Guide to The Conspiracy talking about philosophy of conspiracism: https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-7ra6d-130e8e8?utm_campaign=au_share_ep&utm_medium=dlink&utm_source=au_share

I was on Dan Norton's YouTube show discussing free will and luck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dZx_VD54pg

Coming soon: QED videos!

Next Episode: Deep Reckonings with Stephanie Lepp

EV - 255 Soft Compatibilism with Alfred Mele

My guest this week is Alfred Mele, the William H. and Lucyle T. Werkmesiter Professor of Philosophy at Florida State University, and author several books on free will, most recently Free Will: An Opinionated Guide. Mele argues for a soft compatibilism, claiming he's not convinced by either the compatibilist or incompatibilist positions, but feels the first is more likely to be true. We discuss the arguments for this position and whether it's livable.

Free Will: An Opinionated Guide: https://www.amazon.com/Free-Will-Opinionated-Alfred-Mele/dp/0197574238

Convocation: Aaron's void, with a little help from Janis Joplin

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: Had several recent appearances you should check out!

Dentith had me on their show to discuss the Better Way antivaxxer conference: https://conspiracism.podbean.com/e/circling-the-void-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

other discussions of that conference:

I doubt it pod (discussing luck): https://dollemore.com/2022/06/02/801-aaron-rabinowitz-from-embrace-the-void-and-philosophers-in-space-podcasts/

Skeptics with a K: http://www.merseysideskeptics.org.uk/2022/06/skeptics-with-a-k-episode-330/

Next Episode: Deep Reckonings with Stephanie Lepp

EV - 254 Woke Antisemitism with David Berstein

My guest this week is David Berstein (@DavidLBernstein), author of Woke Antisemitism. In the book he argues that wokeness poses a threat to Jews because it promotes an illiberal society and the view that Jews are white oppressors. We discuss the merits and potential pitfalls of his argument.

Woke Antisemitism: https://jilv.org/book/

Convocation: Fanon

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: Had several recent appearances you should check out!

Dentith had me on their show to discuss the Better Way antivaxxer conference: https://conspiracism.podbean.com/e/circling-the-void-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

other discussions of that conference:

I doubt it pod (discussing luck): https://dollemore.com/2022/06/02/801-aaron-rabinowitz-from-embrace-the-void-and-philosophers-in-space-podcasts/

Skeptics with a K: http://www.merseysideskeptics.org.uk/2022/06/skeptics-with-a-k-episode-330/

Next Episode: Deep Reckonings with Stephanie Lepp

EV - 253 The Gadfly Papers with Todd Eklof

My guest this week is Reverend Todd Eklof, author of The Gadfly Papers: Three Three inconvenient essays by one pesky minister. Rev Eklof was removed from fellowship with the Unitarian Universalist church as a result of complaints made by members of the church in response to his dissemination of The Gadfly Papers at a Unitarian Universalist Alliance in Spokane in 2019. We discuss his claims the UUA has succumb to safteyism and PC culture in a way that undermines the core UU principles of questioning orthodoxy. We also discuss his suggestion that a "divorce" between Unitarians and Universalists might be necessary.

Convocation: https://www.uua.org/beliefs/what-we-believe/sacred-texts

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: Had several recent appearances you should check out!

Dentith had me on their show to discuss the Better Way antivaxxer conference: https://conspiracism.podbean.com/e/circling-the-void-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

other discussions of that conference:

I doubt it pod (discussing luck): https://dollemore.com/2022/06/02/801-aaron-rabinowitz-from-embrace-the-void-and-philosophers-in-space-podcasts/

Skeptics with a K: http://www.merseysideskeptics.org.uk/2022/06/skeptics-with-a-k-episode-330/

Next Episode: Woke Antisemitism with David L. Bernstein

EV - 252 Animal Welfare with Dell Onnerth

My guest this week is Dell Onnerth (@moarcowbelle), a longtime friend of the show who I finally got to meet in person at the American Atheists con. They own their own dairy farm, as well as working other jobs to afford that farm. We discuss the concept of animal welfare, comment attempts to define it and how modern agriculture is measuring up.

Convocation: https://crohnsmonster.com/2013/06/03/what-you-risk-by-telling-your-story/

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: Had several recent appearances you should check out!

Dentith had me on their show to discuss the Better Way antivaxxer conference: https://conspiracism.podbean.com/e/circling-the-void-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

other discussions of that conference:

I doubt it pod (discussing luck): https://dollemore.com/2022/06/02/801-aaron-rabinowitz-from-embrace-the-void-and-philosophers-in-space-podcasts/

Skeptics with a K: http://www.merseysideskeptics.org.uk/2022/06/skeptics-with-a-k-episode-330/

Next Episode: The Gadfly Papers with Rev. Todd Eklof

EV - 251 Mindfulness for Mensches with Jesse Rabinowitz

My guest this week is Jesse Rabinowitz, a clinical psychologist and creator of Mindfulness for Mensches. We discuss his decades of experience using gestalt mindfulness in clinical psychology and how that's culminated in Mindfulness for Mensches.

Mindfulness for Mensches: https://www.menschitude.com/

Convocation: Fritz Perls

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: Had several recent appearances you should check out!

Dentith had me on their show to discuss the Better Way antivaxxer conference: https://conspiracism.podbean.com/e/circling-the-void-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

other discussions of that conference:

I doubt it pod (discussing luck): https://dollemore.com/2022/06/02/801-aaron-rabinowitz-from-embrace-the-void-and-philosophers-in-space-podcasts/

Skeptics with a K: http://www.merseysideskeptics.org.uk/2022/06/skeptics-with-a-k-episode-330/

Next Episode: Animal Welfare with Dell Onnerth

EV - 250 Raised by Nazis with Brittany Page

My guest this week is Brittany Page (@brittanyepage), a psychotherapist and co-host of the I Doubt it Podcast. We discuss her experience growing up in a neo-nazi family and how that impacts her work in psychology and politics.

Convocation: Aryan Nation poem

Music by GW Rodriguez

I Doubt it Podcast: https://dollemore.com/

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: Had several recent appearances you should check out!

Dentith had me on their show to discuss the Better Way antivaxxer conference: https://conspiracism.podbean.com/e/circling-the-void-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

other discussions of that conference:

I doubt it pod (discussing luck): https://dollemore.com/2022/06/02/801-aaron-rabinowitz-from-embrace-the-void-and-philosophers-in-space-podcasts/

Skeptics with a K: http://www.merseysideskeptics.org.uk/2022/06/skeptics-with-a-k-episode-330/

Next Episode: TBA

EV - 249 What We Owe The Future with Will MacAskill

My guest this week is Will MacAskill, an associate professor in philosophy and research fellow at the global priorities institute at the University of Oxford. Will is one of the founders of the effective altruism and 80,000 hours, as well as a proponent of longtermism. His new book is “What we owe the future”. We discuss developments in longtermism and challenges like being co-opted or leading to undervaluing of present persons.

Convocation: MacAskill

What We Owe the Future: https://www.amazon.com/What-Owe-Future-William-MacAskill-ebook/dp/B09N3D7QSQ/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: Had several recent appearances you should check out!

Dentith had me on their show to discuss the Better Way antivaxxer conference: https://conspiracism.podbean.com/e/circling-the-void-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

other discussions of that conference:

I doubt it pod (discussing luck): https://dollemore.com/2022/06/02/801-aaron-rabinowitz-from-embrace-the-void-and-philosophers-in-space-podcasts/

Skeptics with a K: http://www.merseysideskeptics.org.uk/2022/06/skeptics-with-a-k-episode-330/

Next Episode: Raised by Nazis with Brittany Page

EV - 248 Out and Proud Atheism in the Military with Ian Czora

My guest this week is Ian Czora, a technical trainer who works as for a company that develops and deploys satellite technology primarily for the military. We discuss his experience as an atheist both in and working with the military system. We also talk about Wine.

Convocation: Aaron's twisted psyche

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: Had several recent appearances you should check out!

Dentith had me on their show to discuss the Better Way antivaxxer conference: https://conspiracism.podbean.com/e/circling-the-void-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

other discussions of that conference:

I doubt it pod (discussing luck): https://dollemore.com/2022/06/02/801-aaron-rabinowitz-from-embrace-the-void-and-philosophers-in-space-podcasts/

Skeptics with a K: http://www.merseysideskeptics.org.uk/2022/06/skeptics-with-a-k-episode-330/

Next Episode: What We Owe the Future with Will MacAskill

EV - 247 Philosophy of Conspiracism with M R. X. Dentith

My guest this week is M R. X. Dentith (@conspiracism), a philosophy professor at BNUZH’s Center for international philosophy, with a focus on conspiracy theories, secrecy, and fake news. They’re also cohost of the podcaster’s guid to the conspiracy and have a recent paper out in Synthese open access called Suspicious conspiracy theories. We discuss debates around the definition of "conspiracy theory" and the challenges we face trying to quantify and address the growth of conspiracism in the modern world.

Convocation: David Icke

Dentith's work: https://philpeople.org/profiles/m-r-x-dentith

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: Had several recent appearances you should check out!

Dentith had me on their show to discuss the Better Way antivaxxer conference: https://conspiracism.podbean.com/e/circling-the-void-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

other discussions of that conference:

I doubt it pod (discussing luck): https://dollemore.com/2022/06/02/801-aaron-rabinowitz-from-embrace-the-void-and-philosophers-in-space-podcasts/

Skeptics with a K: http://www.merseysideskeptics.org.uk/2022/06/skeptics-with-a-k-episode-330/

Next Episode: Out and proud atheism in the military with Ian Czora

EV - 246 TikTok Atheism with Captain DadPool

My guest this week is Captain DadPool (@Captain_DadPool), an Iraq war vet and TikTok atheist. We discuss his de-conversion, how he got into the world of TikTok, and why it seems like a valuable platform for atheist outreach. This episode unintentionally ended up being the second in an informal three part series of chats with former conservative christians who went into the military and also are now liberal atheists. I found the overlaps and differences between the stories really interesting.

Convocation: The mushrooms in Aaron's head

Captain's links: https://beacons.page/captaindadpool

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: Had several recent appearances you should check out!

My guest for next episode had me on their show to discuss the Better Way antivaxxer conference: https://conspiracism.podbean.com/e/circling-the-void-with-aaron-rabinowitz/

I doubt it pod (discussing luck): https://dollemore.com/2022/06/02/801-aaron-rabinowitz-from-embrace-the-void-and-philosophers-in-space-podcasts/

Skeptics with a K: http://www.merseysideskeptics.org.uk/2022/06/skeptics-with-a-k-episode-330/

Next Episode: Philosophy of Conspiracism with M.R.X. Dentith

EV - 245 Doubting Conservatism with Jesse Dollemore

My guest this week is Jesse Dollemore (@Dollemore), host of the Dollemore Daily on youtube and cohost of the I Doubt it Podcast with Brittany Page. We discuss his experiences growing up in a conservative anti-governmental household, joining the military, and his transition from conservative to liberal activist.

Convocation: Hunter S. Thompson

YouTube feed: https://www.youtube.com/user/dollemore

I doubt it podcast: https://t.co/vztGfOamBN

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: Had several recent appearances you should check out!

I doubt it pod (discussing luck): https://dollemore.com/2022/06/02/801-aaron-rabinowitz-from-embrace-the-void-and-philosophers-in-space-podcasts/

Skeptics with a K: http://www.merseysideskeptics.org.uk/2022/06/skeptics-with-a-k-episode-330/

Next week: TikTok atheism with Captain Dadpool

EV - 244 Semantics of Consciousness with Jacy Reese Anthis

My guest this week is Jacy Reese Anthis (@Jacyanthis), a PhD student in machine learning at the University of Chicago, and the co-founder of the Sentience Institute. We discuss his recent paper arguing for a semantic solution to the hard problem of consciousness.

Convocation: Tom Robbins

Consciousness Semantics paper: https://twitter.com/jacyanthis/status/1507400426869694476?s=20&t=7ZHx-cYZvz9QUhMJPig_sQ

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: Had several recent appearances you should check out!

I doubt it pod (discussing luck): https://dollemore.com/2022/06/02/801-aaron-rabinowitz-from-embrace-the-void-and-philosophers-in-space-podcasts/

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast (discussing antivaxxer convention): https://www.dissonancepod.com/episode-632-aaron-rabinowitz-anti-vax-convention/

Upcoming appearances: I'm on the upcoming Skeptics with a K! Keep an ear out!

Next week: Doubting Conservatism with Jesse Dollemore

EV - 243 Back to Camp Quest with Sarah Miller

My guest this week is Sarah Miller, Executive Director of Camp Quest. We discuss the camp's goals of providing outdoor summer experiences free of religious indoctrination, and how that project looks in a post pandemic world.

Convocation: Aaron's personal experience

Camp Quest: https://campquest.org/

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: I was on Nerds and Heresy talking about all sorts of nerdery and not arguing for once! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieC-3NBxgjI

Upcoming appearances: I'm going to be chatting with Cog Dis and Skeptics with a K about my experience bingeing my way through the Better Way conference.

Next week: Semantics of Consciousness with Jacy Reese Anthis

EV - 242 Sensemaking with David Fuller

My guest this week is David Fuller (@fullydavid), a journalist who’s made documentaries for Channel 4 and the BBC and co-founded the Rebel Wisdom content platform. We discuss sensemaking and rebel wisdom, both the positives in terms of personal growth and the negatives in terms of potentially higher risk of conspiracism.

Rebel Wisdom: https://rebelwisdom.co.uk/

Discussion with Aaron and Jim Rutt on Rebel Wisdom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nNk7fvxiGM

An Easter Miracle article: https://rebelwisdom.substack.com/p/an-easter-miracle?s=r

Jonathan Pageau's conversation with James Lindsay and Benjamin Boyce: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vy24StDmUrE

Jonathan Pageau vaccine mandate video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bq4htYxSp14

Ken Wilber's Trump and a Post Truth World: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZZVPWTK/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1

Convocation: Philip K Dick

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: I was on Nerds and Heresy talking about all sorts of nerdery and not arguing for once! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieC-3NBxgjI

Upcoming appearances: I'm going to be chatting with Cog Dis and Skeptics with a K about my experience bingeing my way through the Better Way conference.

Next week: Back to Camp Quest with Sarah Miller

EV - 241 Persisting White supremacy in movement secularism with Mandisa Thomas

My guest this week is Mandisa Thomas (@mandy0904), founder and president of Black Nonbelievers. We discuss her recent American Atheist convention talk and the backlash it received.

Black Nonbelievers: https://blacknonbelievers.org/

Convocation: Audre Lorde

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: I was on Nerds and Heresy talking about all sorts of nerdery and not arguing for once! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieC-3NBxgjI

Upcoming appearances: I'm having a chat with the Akasha org on Monster Island and content moderation. https://twitter.com/AKASHAworld/status/1525446532320854018?s=20&t=hSB4goY0NAaAsdLZytxuRw

Next week: Back to Camp Quest with Sarah Miller

EV - 240 Meta-analysis skepticism with Jonathan Jarry

My guest this week is Jonathan Jarry (@crackedscience), a science communicator with McGill University’s Office of Science and Society, and cohost of the independent podcast The Body of Evidence. We discuss his article about common problems with meta-analyses and how to approach trying to understand controversial science claims. We also discuss anti-COVID Jade amulets and in the VIP room we talk the ethics of unfollowing me on twitter.

Jonathan's website: https://t.co/e2xUQ4ClQw

Meta-analyses paper: https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/pseudoscience/even-best-scientific-studies-can-lie-case-craniosacral-therapy

Jade amulet paper: https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/covid-19-critical-thinking-pseudoscience/paper-argues-amulet-may-protect-covid-should-it-have-been-published

Convocation: Nick Harkaway

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pods:

Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Filmed Live Musicals Pod: https://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/thepodcast.html

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

Recent appearances: I was on Ben Burgis's youtube channel debating free will and moral luck: https://twitter.com/ETVPod/status/1516786030854262788?s=20&t=q3yiNlMdkxoDCu1yHCig-w

Here's the What's left of Phil link for the other chat on this subject:


Upcoming appearances: Stay tuned, got a few invites this past weekend so hopefully will have some info here soon!

Next week: Persisting White supremacy in movement secularism with Mandisa Thomas