Embrace The Void

"Oh no, Not again" - Bowl of Petunias

EV - 132 American Atheism with Nick Fish

My guest this week is Nick Fish (@AmericanAtheist), president of American Atheists and longtime organizer within the atheist community. We discuss our weirdly similar paths to community organizing and the hopeful direction of movement atheism. 

Invocation: Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

 American Atheist Convention: https://convention.atheists.org/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAhojzBRC3ARIsAGtNtHX45vvm24uWoadFrIAmt-NQqe4CSYVdFGDXh9oRExs2fhuOo_Qj0eUaAjktEALw_wcB

Editing by Brian Ziegenhagen, check out his pod: http://youarehere.libsyn.com/s02e02-rex-manning-day?fbclid=IwAR2L2_YIJvQpcw0nx6nTSfz0GmyJ1DtWsF--vvdI9W1ug3XW7IAtU6dQ36s

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

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Next week: Centrism with Andrea Lewis