Embrace The Void

"Oh no, Not again" - Bowl of Petunias

EV - 178 What Even is Metaphysics? with Donnchadh O' Conaill

My returning guest this week is Donnchadh O' Conaill, a post-doc at University of Fribourg in Switzerland, where he does work on metaphysics of the self. We try to explain what metaphysics and why you need it in your life.

Donnchadh's Website: www.donnchadhoconaill.com

Donnchadh's letterwiki with Naomi Thompson on carving reality at the joints: https://letter.wiki/conversation/723 

Referenced materials:

David Armstrong is Universals: An Opinionated Introduction (Westview Press, 1989)

The one by G.J. Warnock is English Philosophy Since 1900 (OUP, 1969) 

Donnchadh's article on Monism - Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Peter Strawson's Individuals

Convocation: Aristotle's Metaphysics

Editing by Lu Lyons, check out her amazing podcast Filmed Live Musicals! http://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/podcast.html

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

If you enjoyed this and want to discuss more, start a conversation with me here: https://letter.wiki/AaronRabinowitz/conversations

Recent Appearances: I was on Daniel Schauer's podcast discussing pod life and failing to identify my own microphone https://www.dsmagic.us/democratizing-music-podcast-episodes/zon9318xu1tlzzvsqia4qjh0g0nybg

Next week: Farm Forward/Better Food with Joseph Tuminello 

EV - 177 Secular vs Religious Ethics with Rabbi Josh Yuter

My guest this week is Rabbi Josh Yuter (@JYuter), my interlocutor in a letterwiki on secular and religious ethics. We discuss Josh's experiences with Jewish orthodoxy and how it contrasts with secular ethics. The letterwiki is a valuable companion piece but necessary to enjoy the episode.

Josh's website: https://joshyuter.com/

Our Letter Exchange: https://letter.wiki/conversation/832

Convocation: Hillel the Elder

Editing by Lu Lyons, check out her amazing podcast Filmed Live Musicals! http://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/podcast.html

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

If you enjoyed this and want to discuss more, start a conversation with me here: https://letter.wiki/AaronRabinowitz/conversations

Recent Appearances: I was on Daniel Schauer's podcast discussing pod life and failing to identify my own microphone https://www.dsmagic.us/democratizing-music-podcast-episodes/zon9318xu1tlzzvsqia4qjh0g0nybg

Next week: Metaphysics with Donnchadh O' Conaill

EV - 176 Wrestling with Conspiracy Theories with Dr. Ami Palmer

My guest this week is Dr. Ami Palmer (@FilosoferzBLike), a philosophy professor at Ohio Northern University. We discuss the ongoing epistemic crisis, the limits of models for addressing causes of the crisis, and where we're likely to go from here.

Dr. Palmer's anti-science propaganda article: https://wrestling-with-philosophy.com/2020/01/08/how-and-why-anti-science-propaganda-works/

Convocation: Ben Franklin

Editing by Lu Lyons, check out her amazing podcast Filmed Live Musicals! http://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/podcast.html

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

If you enjoyed this and want to discuss more, start a conversation with me here: https://letter.wiki/AaronRabinowitz/conversations

Recent Appearances: Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk Monster Island. Show some cult love! https://dissonancepod.libsyn.com/episode-547-aaron-rabinowitz-v4c-2019-part-9?tdest_id=124104

Next week: Social media conspiracies with Ami Palmer

EV - 175 Cogtweeto Philosophy Workshop with Jennifer Foster and Cassie Finley

My guests this week are Jennifer Foster (@philoso_foster), a philosophy Ph.D. student at the University of Southern California, and Cassie Finley (@Angry_Cassie), a philosophy Ph.D. student at the University of Iowa. They’ve come together to organize the Cogtweeto Philosophy Workshop Series. We discuss the workshop and community organizing within philosophy twitter.

Cogtweeto conference info: https://www.cogtweeto.com/

Daily Nous writeup: https://dailynous.com/2021/01/06/new-workshop-series-bring-philosophy-philosophy-twitter/

Convocation: Amber Naslund

Editing by Lu Lyons, check out her amazing podcast Filmed Live Musicals! http://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/podcast.html

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

If you enjoyed this and want to discuss more, start a conversation with me here: https://letter.wiki/AaronRabinowitz/conversations

Recent Appearances: Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk Monster Island. Show some cult love! https://dissonancepod.libsyn.com/episode-547-aaron-rabinowitz-v4c-2019-part-9?tdest_id=124104

Next week: Social media conspiracies with Ami Palmer

EV - 174 American Pragmatism with Joseph Clark

My guest this week is Joseph Clark (@clarkjosephf), a journalist and critic currently embedded with Philosophy Twitter. We discuss American Pragmatism and it's implications for epistemology and ethics.

Joseph's Opinionated Introduction to Pragmatism: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XyGkGX2Ndb6zpxs1DzXgRDzXzCT6Pw45z65kx_frvAc/edit

Hayden Bruce on twitter: https://twitter.com/HaydenSBruce

Hayden Bruce's podcast: https://pragmaticchristian.com/podcast

Jeffery Howard on twitter: https://twitter.com/Jeffrey_Howard_

Jeffery Howard's podcast: https://erraticus.co/damn-the-absolute-podcast/

Convocation: William James

Editing by Lu Lyons, check out her amazing podcast Filmed Live Musicals! http://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/podcast.html

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

If you enjoyed this and want to discuss more, start a conversation with me here: https://letter.wiki/AaronRabinowitz/conversations

Recent Appearances: Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk Monster Island. Show some cult love! https://dissonancepod.libsyn.com/episode-547-aaron-rabinowitz-v4c-2019-part-9?tdest_id=124104

Next week: Cogtweeto Philosophy Workshop Series with Jennifer Foster and Cassie Finley

EV - 173 Patron Thanks Q and A with Thomas Smith

My guest this week is my good friend and Philosophers in Space cohost Thomas Smith. He joins me to help thank all the ETV patrons for their support and general chillness as the show continues to evolve. Y'all are the best, the void wouldn't exist without you.

Convocation: Wareframe

Editing by Lu Lyons, check out her amazing podcast Filmed Live Musicals! http://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/podcast.html

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

If you enjoyed this and want to discuss more, start a conversation with me here: https://letter.wiki/AaronRabinowitz/conversations

Recent Appearances: Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk Monster Island. Show some cult love! https://dissonancepod.libsyn.com/episode-547-aaron-rabinowitz-v4c-2019-part-9?tdest_id=124104

Next week: TBA with Joseph Clark

EV - 172 Woking Up with Eiynah

My returning guest this week is Eiynah (@NiceMangos), host of the Polite Conversations and Woking Up podcasts. We follow up on the State of the IDW episode with a deep dive on Sam Harris. Eiynah makes some solid arguments that we shouldn't give Harris too much credit for his recent symbolic break with the IDW.

Polite Conversations: https://soundcloud.com/politeconversations

Woking Up: https://soundcloud.com/politeconversations/woking-up-1

Convocation: Tao Te Ching

Editing by Lu Lyons, check out her amazing podcast Filmed Live Musicals! http://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/podcast.html

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

If you enjoyed this and want to discuss more, start a conversation with me here: https://letter.wiki/AaronRabinowitz/conversations

Recent Appearances: Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk Monster Island. Show some cult love! https://dissonancepod.libsyn.com/episode-547-aaron-rabinowitz-v4c-2019-part-9?tdest_id=124104

Next week: End of Year Patron Thank you Q and A

EV - 171 Cheap Talk with C Thi Nguyen

My returning guest this week is C Thi Nguyen (@add_hawk), a philosophy professor at University of Utah with a special interest in gaming and porn. We discuss porn, cheap talk, value capture, conspiracy theories and just so much other stuff. Highly recommend listening back to C Thi's first episode as we basically pick up where we left off there: https://voidpod.com/podcasts/2019/6/19/ev-094-echoes-in-the-void-with-c-thi-nguyen 

C Thi's Website: https://objectionable.net/

Invocation: Aaron's Void

Editing by Lu Lyons, check out her amazing podcast Filmed Live Musicals! http://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/podcast.html

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

If you enjoyed this and want to discuss more, start a conversation with me here: https://letter.wiki/AaronRabinowitz/conversations

Recent Appearances: Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk Monster Island. Show some cult love! https://dissonancepod.libsyn.com/episode-547-aaron-rabinowitz-v4c-2019-part-9?tdest_id=124104

Next week: Woking Up with Eiynah

EV - 170 State of the IDW with Chris Kavanagh

My guest this week is Chris Kavanagh (@C_Kavanagh), a cognitive anthropologist/social scientist and cohost of the Decoding the Gurus podcast. We assess the state of the Intellectual Dark Web post election and discuss why conspiracy theories appear to be rampant in the IDW.

Decoding the Gurus: https://decoding-the-gurus.captivate.fm/

Invocation: Alan Moore

Editing by Lu Lyons, check out her amazing podcast Filmed Live Musicals! http://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/podcast.html

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

If you enjoyed this and want to discuss more, start a conversation with me here: https://letter.wiki/AaronRabinowitz/conversations

Recent Appearances: Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk Monster Island. Show some cult love! https://dissonancepod.libsyn.com/episode-547-aaron-rabinowitz-v4c-2019-part-9?tdest_id=124104

Next week: Cheap Talk with C Thi Nguyen

EV - 169 Carceral luck with Emma McClure

My guest this week is Emma McClure, a parole solicitor who frequently works with prisoners with mental health issues. We discuss the role of luck in the criminal justice system, possible reforms, and the impacts of Covid.

Invocation: Watership Down

Editing by Lu Lyons, check out her amazing podcast Filmed Live Musicals! http://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/podcast.html

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

If you enjoyed this and want to discuss more, start a conversation with me here: https://letter.wiki/AaronRabinowitz/conversations

Recent Appearances: Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk Monster Island. Show some cult love! https://dissonancepod.libsyn.com/episode-547-aaron-rabinowitz-v4c-2019-part-9?tdest_id=124104

Next week: State of the IDW with Chris Kavanagh

EV - 168 Philosopher Queens with Rebecca Buxton and Lisa Whiting

My guests this week are Rebecca Buxton (@RebeccaBuxton) and Lisa Whiting (@lisawhiting_), the editors of this year's best philosophy book, Philosopher Queens. We discuss the overlooked history of women in philosophy and cutting edge work they did dealing with totalitarianism and reply guys.

Philosopher queens: https://unbound.com/books/philosopher-queens/ 

Invocation: Martha Nussbaum

Editing by Lu Lyons, check out her amazing podcast Filmed Live Musicals! http://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/podcast.html

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

If you enjoyed this and want to discuss more, start a conversation with me here: https://letter.wiki/AaronRabinowitz/conversations

Recent Appearances: Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk Monster Island. Show some cult love! https://dissonancepod.libsyn.com/episode-547-aaron-rabinowitz-v4c-2019-part-9?tdest_id=124104

Next week: Carceral luck with Emma McClure 

EV - 167 Masculinity and Morality with Tom Curry

My guest this week is Tom Curry (@dissonance_pod), co-host of the Cognitive Dissonance pod and one of the hive of villainy on the Citation Needed pod. We discuss Tom's letters to his sons and how to teach healthy masculinity.

Tom's Blog: https://dangerousletters.wordpress.com/

Cog Dis: https://dissonancepod.com/

Citation Needed: http://citationpod.com/

Invocation: https://dangerousletters.wordpress.com/2020/11/05/you-are-not-a-good-person/

Editing by Lu Lyons, check out her amazing podcast Filmed Live Musicals! http://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/podcast.html

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

If you enjoyed this and want to discuss more, start a conversation with me here: https://letter.wiki/AaronRabinowitz/conversations

Recent Appearances: Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk Monster Island. Show some cult love! https://dissonancepod.libsyn.com/episode-547-aaron-rabinowitz-v4c-2019-part-9?tdest_id=124104

Next week: Philosopher Queens with Rebecca and Lisa

EV - 166 Cancer Pseudoscience with Alice Howarth

My guest this week is Dr. Alice Howarth (@AliceEmmaLouise), co-host of the Skeptics with a K podcast and postdoc in pharmacology at the University of Liverpool. We discuss cancer treatment and pseudoscience alternative medicines that are targeted at cancer patients. 

Alice's Blog: https://dralice.blog/

Skeptics with a K: http://www.merseysideskeptics.org.uk/category/podcast/skeptics-with-a-k/

Invocation: Robert Heinlein

Editing by Lu Lyons, check out her amazing podcast Filmed Live Musicals! http://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/podcast.html

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

If you enjoyed this and want to discuss more, start a conversation with me here: https://letter.wiki/AaronRabinowitz/conversations

Recent Appearances: Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk Monster Island. Show some cult love! https://dissonancepod.libsyn.com/episode-547-aaron-rabinowitz-v4c-2019-part-9?tdest_id=124104

Next week: Healthy Masculinity with Tom Curry

EV - 165 Black Male Studies with DR. TJ Curry

My guest this week is Dr. TJ Curry (@DrTJC), chair of Africana studies and Black Male Studies at Edinburgh University. We discuss violent decolonialization, intersectionality, and Black Male Studies.

Invocation: The book of the Living, from Parable of the Talents by Butler

The Man-not: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072Q2JXW9/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1 

Editing by Lu Lyons, check out her amazing podcast Filmed Live Musicals! http://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/podcast.html

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

If you enjoyed this and want to discuss more, start a conversation with me here: https://letter.wiki/AaronRabinowitz/conversations

Recent Appearances: Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk Monster Island. Show some cult love! https://dissonancepod.libsyn.com/episode-547-aaron-rabinowitz-v4c-2019-part-9?tdest_id=124104

Next week: Pseudoscience skepticism with Alice Howarth

EV - 164 The Far Right Wing with Daniel Harper

My guest this week is Daniel Harper, co-host of the I Don't Speak German Podcast. We discuss the many flavors of the far right and where that energy is headed after the election.

Invocation: Fantasy High S1E7

I don't Speak German Podcast: https://idontspeakgerman.libsyn.com/

Editing by Lu Lyons, check out her amazing podcast Filmed Live Musicals! http://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/podcast.html

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

If you enjoyed this and want to discuss more, start a conversation with me here: https://letter.wiki/AaronRabinowitz/conversations

Recent Appearances: Aaron was recently on Cog Dis to talk Monster Island. Show some cult love! https://dissonancepod.libsyn.com/episode-547-aaron-rabinowitz-v4c-2019-part-9?tdest_id=124104

Next week: Man-nots with Tommy Curry

EV - 163 Animal Consciousness with Jeff Sebo

My guest this week is Jeff Sebo (@jeffrsebo) director of the NYU animal studies MA program and author of Chimpanzee rights and Food, Animals, and the Environment. We discuss animal consciousness and the implications for animal ethics.

Invocation: The Aarononomicon

Jeff's website: https://jeffsebo.net/

Editing by Lu Lyons, check out her amazing podcast Filmed Live Musicals! http://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/podcast.html

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

If you enjoyed this and want to discuss more, start a conversation with me here: https://letter.wiki/AaronRabinowitz/conversations

Recent Appearances: I was on The Philosophy Guy podcast discussing whether Social Justice is a Religion (it's not). https://thephilosophyguy.fireside.fm/92

Next week: Proud Boy Whispering with Samantha Kutner

EV - 162 CRT Diversity Training with Casey Petersen pt.2

My guest this week is Casey Petersen (@CaseyAPetersen), a research and development electrical engineer at Sandia National Labs who took issue with the diversity and racial awareness training at the National Labs. We discuss his video challenging Critical Race Theory and its use in diversity training and school curriculums. (NOTE: This discussion happened prior to the release of Breonna Taylor's grand jury testimonies)

Casey's Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyNW9nlFDBk

Study on bias perpetuation through AI lending: https://news.berkeley.edu/story_jump/mortgage-algorithms-perpetuate-racial-bias-in-lending-study-finds/

Brookings Age Racial Disparities in Covid Deaths: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2020/06/16/race-gaps-in-covid-19-deaths-are-even-bigger-than-they-appear/

Racial Disparities in Covid Deaths: https://voxeu.org/article/racial-disparity-covid-19-deaths

Fryer Story: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/upshot/surprising-new-evidence-shows-bias-in-police-use-of-force-but-not-in-shootings.html

Response to Fryer: https://scholar.harvard.edu/jfeldman/blog/roland-fryer-wrong-there-racial-bias-shootings-police

DHS Violent White Supremacist Threat: https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/08/politics/white-supremacy-dhs-draft-assessment/index.html

DHS Violent White Supremacist Definition: https://www.dhs.gov/publication/reference-aid-us-violent-white-supremacist-extremists

Editing by Lu Lyons, check out her amazing podcast Filmed Live Musicals! http://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/podcast.html

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

If you enjoyed this and want to discuss more, start a conversation with me here: https://letter.wiki/AaronRabinowitz/conversations

Recent Appearances: I was on The Philosophy Guy podcast discussing whether Social Justice is a Religion (it's not). https://thephilosophyguy.fireside.fm/92

Next week: Animal consciousness with Jeff Sebo

EV - 161 CRT Diversity Training with Casey Petersen pt.1

My guest this week is Casey Petersen (@CaseyAPetersen), a research and development electrical engineer at Sandia National Labs who took issue with the diversity and racial awareness training at the National Labs. We discuss his video challenging Critical Race Theory and its use in diversity training and school curriculums.

 Casey's Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyNW9nlFDBk 

Study on bias perpetuation through AI lending: https://news.berkeley.edu/story_jump/mortgage-algorithms-perpetuate-racial-bias-in-lending-study-finds/

Brookings Age Racial Disparities in Covid Deaths: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2020/06/16/race-gaps-in-covid-19-deaths-are-even-bigger-than-they-appear/ 

Racial Disparities in Covid Deaths: https://voxeu.org/article/racial-disparity-covid-19-deaths 

Fryer Story: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/upshot/surprising-new-evidence-shows-bias-in-police-use-of-force-but-not-in-shootings.html 

Response to Fryer: https://scholar.harvard.edu/jfeldman/blog/roland-fryer-wrong-there-racial-bias-shootings-police 

DHS Violent White Supremacist Threat: https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/08/politics/white-supremacy-dhs-draft-assessment/index.html 

DHS Violent White Supremacist Definition: https://www.dhs.gov/publication/reference-aid-us-violent-white-supremacist-extremists 

Editing by Lu Lyons, check out her amazing podcast Filmed Live Musicals! http://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/podcast.html

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

If you enjoyed this and want to discuss more, start a conversation with me here: https://letter.wiki/AaronRabinowitz/conversations

Recent Appearances: I was on The Philosophy Guy podcast discussing whether Social Justice is a Religion (it's not). https://thephilosophyguy.fireside.fm/92

Next week: CRT in Federal Diversity Training with Casey Petersen pt.2

EV - 160 Vaxxer Conspiracies with Matt Browne

My guest this week is Matt Browne (@ArthurCDent), a psychology professor at central Queensland Australia and cohost of the new Decoding the Gurus podcast. We discuss conspiracy theories within the Anti-vaxxer community and what they can tell us about a world inundated with conspiracy theories.

Matt's Vaccination Paper: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29863949/

Decoding the Gurus: https://decoding-the-gurus.captivate.fm/

Convocation: Richard Hofstadter's The Paranoid Style in American Politics, Harper Magazine 1964

Editing by Lu Lyons, check out her amazing podcast Filmed Live Musicals! http://www.filmedlivemusicals.com/podcast.html

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

If you enjoy the show, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!

If you enjoyed this and want to discuss more, start a conversation with me here: https://letter.wiki/AaronRabinowitz/conversations

Recent Appearances: I was on The Philosophy Guy podcast discussing whether Social Justice is a Religion (it's not). https://thephilosophyguy.fireside.fm/92

Next week: CRT in Federal Diversity Training with Casey Petersen

Rebroadcasting ETV101+102: Social Progress in the Void with Bo Winegard pt.1

My guest this week is Bo Winegard, Assistant Professor at Marietta College, cohost of the psyphilopod podcast, and frequent contributor to Quillette. We've engaged in several disagreements on twitter and thought it could be valuable to debate some of these issues on the show. We focused our debate on the question "should society attempt to promote social progress by changing human nature". The argument is naturally wide ranging.

Invocation: The Tower of Babel

Bo's article on Progressivism and the West: https://quillette.com/2019/03/09/progressivism-and-the-west/

Psyphilopod: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/psyphilopod/id1446215479

Editing by Brian Ziegenhagen, check out his pod: http://youarehere.libsyn.com/s02e02-rex-manning-day?fbclid=IwAR2L2_YIJvQpcw0nx6nTSfz0GmyJ1DtWsF--vvdI9W1ug3XW7IAtU6dQ36s

Music by GW Rodriguez

Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/

Support us at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid

Next Week: Part two of my discuss with Bo.