Embrace The Void

"Oh no, Not again" - Bowl of Petunias

EV - 041 (Part 1) Siri, What's An Incel?

This is part one of a two part episode where we talk about Incel's, and we're graced with a returning guest Bethany Futrell (host of She Talks Atheism, and cohost of The Inciting Incident Podcast). We discuss the people, the communities, what they represent, and why they exist.

Opening Invocation
From listener and fan @HBOUFO (Twitter)

Hero of the Week
The women that told their stories to get 3 convictions of Bill Cosby

EV - 040 Psychology Research with Ari Stillman

In this episode we are very glad to have the podcast veteran Ari Stillman. They're currently pursuing a masters degree in psychology at The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. We discuss different areas of research, especially in areas of trauma and PTSD. We also cover some in the area of gender and the Non-Binary community.

Ari Stillman

Opening Invocation

Hero of the Week
Charles Benight PhD

EV - 039 The Virtue of NDA's

After we've signed our respective NDA's, we dive into Virtue Theory. Looking at what it means to have a virtue in something, and relate it to the Milgram Experiment and the Stanford Prison Experiment.

Moral Saints

Opening Invocation: Milgram Experiment

Hero of the Week: James Comey

EV - 038 Expletive with Ris and Priss

As promised, here's the episode where we talk about pejoratives, and other language that could be unknowingly harmful to specific groups of people. We are joined by the amazing Marissa McCool and Priss to help us understand those perspectives that we cis white men might be missing.

Marissa McCool

Twitter: @prissunicorn

Even Cowgirls Get the Blues

Opening Invocation
The Elevator Game (with Lu Lyons)

Hero of the Week
Aiden McCool
For Trans Men

EV - 037 Void.I.Am

What is consciousness? The short of it: nobody knows.

This episode we dive into a really hotly debated topic, consciousness. What is it? How do we test it? Do animals have it? Do machines have it? Does Aaron's calculator have it? DOES THIS PODCAST HAVE IT? Does it even exist?

What is it like to be a bat
Smarty Plants

Opening Invocation:
Dealer's Choice  (Source: Tax Day)

Hero of the Week
Liberty Mutual (not a sponsor)

EV - 036 Talking With Eiynah

Today we have a special guest Eiynah from the Polite Conversations podcast. We cover so many topics including: what some of Eiynah's experiences were in the Middle East, current labels used by SJW's, the problems with the skeptic community, tribalism, and much more.

Twitter: @NiceMangos

Hero of the Week:
Blair Braverman
What I've Learned From Having A Trans Partner

EV - 035 Stupid Monkey Brains

If an organism is the current set of adaptations through natural selection within its own environment, couldn't the same thing be applied how humans behave? In this episode we cover Evolutionary Psychology. A set of theories that aim to draw causal relationships with psychological behavior that's common with different groups. 

Opening Invocation:
American Gods

Hero of the Week:
Stormy Danielle

EV - 034 Restorative Justice with Tamara Carroll

This week we bring on a really good friend of ours, Tamara Carroll. We discuss Retributive Justices relative to the current models of punishment for kids in our schools, and for adults. We wind up also covering the effects of Trauma on young kids, and different techniques that Tamara has used when working with kids and teenagers.

Paper Tigers

Opening Invocation:
Nietzsche's eternal recurrence challenge

Hero of the Week:
Kate McKinnon

EV - 033 There Are Four Lights!!!

Get out your number 2 pencils, it's time for a vocabulary lesson. In this episode GW grills Aaron on philosophy terms. We go over some of the basic terms, some complicated terms, and some outrageous ones.

Also, make sure to listen to the outtakes after the outro music for this one.

Opening Invocation
Reality Author: Liz Dubats

Hero Of The Week:
Jorden Peele

EV - 032 Definitely Not An Episode About Guns with Kevin And Benedict

In this episode we are joined by Kevin and Benedict from This Week In News With Kevin And Benedict. We surely aren't talking about guns, gun control, and the terrible arguments the right and gunflakes make about the second amendment, and guns as a means for more security.

Kevin and Benedict

Opening Invocation:
DNA Testing. Author: Devyn Lennex

Hero of the Week:
The survivors of the South Florida High School shooting

EV - 031 Tolerate Me Bro!

Can you tolerate anything? What about intolerance? In this episode we discuss the paradox of tolerance, and how it can manifest itself on the Facebook group Monster Island.

Opening Invocation:
The Leftovers

Hero of the Week:
Richard Gates

EV-030 Rock and Roll with Trav Mamone

With special guest from the Bi Any Means podcast, Trav Mamone, we talk about the Myth of Sisyphus. No, not just the Greek tale of Sisyphus, the guy who's eternal damnation was to push a rock up a hill, but the specific writing by Albert Camus. Here's a quote from the writing:

I leave Sisyphus at the foot of the mountain! One always finds one's burden again. But Sisyphus teaches the higher fidelity that negates the gods and raises rocks. He too concludes that all is well. This universe henceforth without a master seems to him neither sterile nor futile. Each atom of that stone, each mineral flake of that night filled mountain, in itself forms a world. The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.

You can find the full text here

Trav Mamone

Hero of the Week

EV-029 Moral Foundations Theory

Welcome to the new and improved Embrace The Void. Both Aaron and GW got new microphones to help propagate our message into the void.

Today we start a new segment where GW reads a correction of something Aaron said, and bestow much shame on him and his family. Following that, we dive into Moral Foundations Theory and how it's used as the basis for outlining the differences in cultures and political ideologies.

Opening Invocation:
Created by Listener Xtian Downs. Based on Montley Crew's Shout at the Devil.

Hero of the Week:
Jade Hameister

Recent Guest Spots:
GW on Kevin and Benedict This Week In News

EV-028 Reasons Why We're Doomed

With special guest Kenneth Quinnell (aka Professor Rex), we get back to our politics roots. We discuss everything from past polices that have been enacted, current polices, and what are the possible terrible timelines that could come from our wonderful president.

Kenneth Quinnell is the Senior Writer for AFL-CIO and Head Honcho at Revolutionary Exchange Records. Find his facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/professorrexband/

Opening Invocation
AI Ethics

Hero Of The Week
Amy McGrath https://www.amymcgrathforcongress.com/

EV-027 The Philosophy of Starship Troopers'

Today in the void we take a deep dive into the movie Starship Troopers', with some comparisons to the book. This isn't your typical movie review. We examine what the somewhat satirical story says about our politics, how we perceive war and conflict, and how the world would be clearly better with women in charge.  

EV-025 Flow States

Ever been in the zone? How about really focused on something to the point that time just whizzes by? That's a Flow State. 

In this episode we talk about what Flow States are, how they can be used to help anyone live a happier life, and the potential negatives there are for them.

Hero of the Week:
Senator of New York, Kirsten Gillibrand

Opening Invocation:
The King In Yellow

EV-024 There's No Business Like Podcast Business with Luisa Lyons

Let us welcome all to the void in this new year. We kick off the new year talk with Luisa Lyons about Musical Theatre and how she has managed her depression through mindfulness meditation.

We are now doing one episode a week, so look out for a bit more void in your life. Also, if you're a current patron at Patreon.com/EmbraceTheVoid, you may want to update your pledge because we've moved from a per episode model to a monthly model.

Opening Invocation
The West Wing

Guest Lusia Lyons
website: http://www.luisalyons.com/
Big C Cabaret

Twitter: @luisalyons

Hero Of The Week:
Seth Rudetsky